Friday, August 31, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Might Have Hope

You would think that with all behavior and misses insane of good direction shown by Lindsay Lohan during six months last, no studio of production of film would not touch it. But you would be wrong.

Harvey Weinstein, the big businessman consumed of film of Hollywood, said that Lindsay Lohan passes only by one phase of its life, and that it would be more than happy to rent it once it has its life under the order.

Once asked whether it would consider it for future roles in its films, Weinstein indicated the pressure, “naturally. It is a marvelous actress. She did a great work in the police officer of. Lindsay Lohan is a marvelous talent. ”

Harvey also expressed its concerns for its well being. “Hope right of I that Lindsay is very well. She is a good lady. You know, we continue them to forget sums of the children. They make errors. If all is well, they will clean it upwards and somebody will give a kick their ends. ”

If the remainder of Hollywood will follow the example of Weinstein must be still seen. There were rumors of the studios dropping it like the third French from period. And with the horrible numbers for “me know which killed me,” Lindsay Lohan can make cut its work for it.

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