Monday, February 4, 2008

Lindsay Lohan And Keira Knightley Fighting For The Role in The Movie "Wuthering Heights"

Hollywood Babes Lindsay Lohan and Keira Knightley is set to fight for the lead role in new movie "Wuthering Heights", according to AP reports.

The actresses are both in contention to play the romantic heroine Catherine Earnshaw in the big screen version of Emily Bronte's classic novel of 1847.

Director John Maybury said: "I certainly would not count on Keira but it is whether or not it wants to return in period costume, as it was in a period of a few tragedies.

"I do not rely on Lindsay Lohan. I really believe the girl and she came out the other side of his well-documented problems - it just needs to be taken seriously."

However, Lindsay Lohan nationality could go against him.

Maybury added to Britain's Daily Mail newspaper: "There may be a little boring in British American actresses parties. They may be able to do accents British brilliant but can be disabled if the emphasis is too perfect."

The month before leaving the film, Lindsay Lohan was arrested for possession of cocaine and DUI.

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